Lifeline Advocacy

Free Press Opposes FCC Lifeline Rulings, “A Direct Attack” on Low-Income Americans

Free Press opposes FCC Lifeline Rulings that will affect the Lifeline Program, a program that connects low-income Americans to crucial communications services. The proposed changes were released October 26th in a draft by Chairman Pai and the current FCC administration to be a part of the November 16 Open Meeting agenda and would greatly eliminate…


Cherokee Tribal Organization ‘Stongly Opposes’ FCC Lifeline Changes

November 9 — In light of the FCC’s proposed changes to the Lifeline Program, there have been responses from several Native American Tribal Organizations, including Oklahoma’s Cherokee Nation, the United States’ largest federally-recognized tribe. Cherokee Nation Principal Chief, Bill Baker wrote the FCC to express strong opposition to the proposed changes that will be up…


Tribes Request Delay of Lifeline Changes Affecting Tribal Members

November 7, 2017 — Native Public Media responds to recent proposed Lifeline Program changes that will greatly impact areas that currently receive Enhanced Lifeline Tribal Support in a letter to the FCC.  A draft of the orders explaining the proposed changes to the Lifeline Program was released on October 26th, 2017 and the proposed rulings…


Lifeline Advocates Urge FCC to Reconsider Proposed Program Changes

On October 26th, the FCC published the upcoming November 16 public meeting agenda, which calls for some significant changes to the Lifeline Program, which provides affordable communication services to low-income Americans.  Advocates of the Lifeline Program are now voicing their concerns about some of the proposed rules, which will mainly aim to: Direct Lifeline Funds…


Colville Tribe Responds to FCC Plans for Tribal Lifeline Funds

November 7, 2017 — The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation (CTCR) sent a response to the FCC, regarding recent changes that will soon be decided regarding the Lifeline Program changes, specifically the proposal to limit Tribal Lifeline Funds (and eventually all Lifeline funds) to facilities-based providers. Dr. Michael E. Marchand, Chairman of the CTCR, writes…


FCC Proposed Lifeline Changes Affect Tribal Areas

The proposed FCC changes to Tribal Lifeline were outlined by Chairman Pai in a recent release of the November 16 Public Meeting Agenda. The Agenda outlines the Chairman’s intentions for the Enhanced Tribal Funds that support bridging the digital divide on the Tribal lands in Oklahoma and Nevada. FCC Proposes Limitations on Tribal Land Subsidies…



As originally posted by the FCC Here: New Rules Will Help Make Broadband More Affordable for Low-Income Americans WASHINGTON, March 31, 2016 – The Federal Communications Commission today modernized and reformed its Lifeline program to help low income consumers afford access to the 21st Century’s vital communications network: the Internet. Since 1985, Lifeline has helped... READ MORE

2016 NaLA Conference Tickets Now Available!

Tickets for the 2016 NaLA Spring Conference are now available! Remember, early registration discounts end on March 14th! Full price tickets begin on March 15th. Late registration fees apply for any tickets purchased on or after April 15th. March 15th, 2016 – Regular Registration Prices Begin April 15th, 2016 – Late Registration Prices Begin SAVE $100 AND REGISTER TODAY!... READ MORE

2016 NaLA Conference Update

Hello NaLA Members! Welcome to 2016, a new year for everyone and a particular new year for NaLA. The White House is up for grabs, new legislation is around the corner, and advances in technology create meaningful impacts on our margins – we will have plenty to talk about at this year’s conference! Our event... READ MORE

Business Misconceptions and the NPRM

Every American should have access to essential communication services, and in today’s world, that includes Broadband service. The Lifeline framework can, and should, be a critical tool to help make that idea a reality. In its recently released Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Order of Reconsideration, Second Report and Order and Memorandum Opinion and... READ MORE