The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) has helped more than 23 million households with a discount on internet service. This program is crucial for connecting low-income communities and alleviating the burden of costs on families struggling to choose between broadband services and other expenses. The last fully funded month of ACP was April 2024. If action is not taken to re-fund the program, millions of families will lose this benefit in June.

What’s at risk?

Unless Congress acts NOW to extend funding for the ACP, more than 23 million households will be forced to choose between paying more for their internet each month, or lose affordable access to this important service.

What can you do?

Help us secure new ACP funding needed to keep Americans connected by using “the Contact Your Elected Senators and Representative” areas on this screen to automatically send an email asking Congress to fund the ACP.

  1. Input your full home address in the “Contact Your Elected Senators and Representative” area.
  2. Select your address from the drop-down options that pop up.
  3. After selecting your address, a list will appear with your area’s representative and 2 senators.
  4. Type your personal information into the required fields.
  5. Click “Send my Email” to automatically send an email to your members of Congress urging them to fund the ACP.
  6. In addition to email, the following option will take you to a call script, which you can use to contact your members’ offices. We encourage you to call your members of Congress and let us know how it went.
  7. You can also input your personal information and click next to take you to a prepared tweet you can use to promote the campaign on social media.