NaLA Blog & Latest News

  • FCC-Lifeline-NPRM-AARP-Panel

    AARP, NASCUA & Greenlining Institute File Comments Opposing FCC Lifeline NRPM

    AARP, NASCUA, and other groups join the list of organizations filing replies to the FCC Lifeline NRPM The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Notice of Inquiry (NOI) propose changes to the Lifeline...

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  • Mignon Clyburn, Digital Divide is Widening for Low Income Americans

    On March 20th, 2018, at the New School’s Digital Equity Laboratory, Commissioner Mignon Clyburn spoke about the digital divide and the need for every American, regardless of economic status, to...

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  • Eshoo-and-clark-oppose-FCC-lifeline-changes

    Congresswomen Eshoo and Clarke Oppose FCC Lifeline Changes

    On Wednesday, March 21st Congresswomen Eshoo and Clarke Oppose FCC Lifeline Changes in a letter to FCC to Chairman, Ajit Pai, encouraging him to protect the Lifeline Program Eshoo and Clarke Oppose...

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  • Fcc-Chairman-Pai-to-eliminate-Lifelie-wireless-resellers

    Ajit Pai Loses Support in Attempt to Eliminate Lifeline Wireless Resellers

    FCC Chairman Pai's proposal to eliminate Lifeline wireless resellers has faced opposition by large broadband companies, including Verizon and Sprint On Proposed Rulings to Eliminate Lifeline...

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  • CTIA Lifeline Program

    CTIA Opposes FCC Lifeline Changes Banning Wireless Resellers

          About CTIA: CTIA® represents the US wireless communications industry and the companies throughout the mobile ecosystem that enable Americans to lead a 21st century...

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  • Sprint Urges FCC Reconsideration of Ban on Wireless Resellers in Lifeline

    Sprint Opposes Lifeline Wireless Reseller Ban

    Postponing of Lifeline Program Eligibility Verifier (National Verifier) In addition to concerns about the ban of wireless resellers in Lifeline, Sprint also asserts in the letter to the...

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  • FCC lifeline program changes

    TracFone Opposes FCC Lifeline Program Changes

    Postponing of Lifeline Eligibility Verifier In addition to concerns on the elimination of wireless resellers, TracFone also asserted that the update to the National Verifier Plan includes...

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  • FCC Public Notice on Universal Lifeline Forms

    FCC Public Notice Announces Universal Lifeline Forms

    About the National Lifeline Association (NaLA): The National Lifeline Association is the only industry trade group specifically focused on the Lifeline segment of telecommunications We support the...

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  • FCC to Discuss Mobility Fund Phase II & More at February Open Meeting

    More About the National Lifeline Association (NaLA) The National Lifeline Association is the only industry trade group specifically focused on the Lifeline segment of telecommunications We support...

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  • NaLA to NARUC, on Resolution in Support of Wireless Resellers

    NaLA released a press release earlier this week, thanking the NARUC on their resolution in support of reseller participation in the Lifeline Program The resolution was in response to several FCC...

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