your corner man

2019 NaLA Annual Conference Keynote Speaker

Coach Bruce Babashan | Your Corner Man

We were very honored to have Coach Bruce Babashan come to our conference this year and deliver an incredible speech to our attending members. Bruce’s experience as an accomplished boxing trainer and former senior executive in corporate America brought a unique perspective to the importance of resilience and overcoming adversity in the Lifeline industry. Coach Bruce recently shared the recording of his keynote speech with us so we could share it with you.

About Coach Bruce Babashan

For 15 years Bruce ran a business consulting firm named LeaderBridge to interview and understand what made the most accomplished men and women in business excel. Prior to that, Bruce was a senior-level executive at DHR International, one of the largest and most elite senior-level executive search firms in the country.

Coach Bruce is also a renowned boxing coach and has trained thousands of individuals from around the world. Bruce’s fighters have competed at every level in the sport from amateur to international and world titles.

You can read more about Coach Bruce and his accomplishments here.